By Lucas Messenger, Robins Kaplan LLP

COVID-19 has thrown quite the wrench in all of our best-laid plans for 2020, and we here at the CCBA hope that you and yours remain healthy and safe. To comply with applicable stay-at-home orders, the CCBA has taken all of its events off calendar, and is working hard to reschedule them, including the 52nd Annual Installation Banquet and Awards Ceremony, for some time in the Fall, COVID-permitting.

At this year’s Banquet, the CCBA will be honoring these outstanding people and lawyers:

Personal Injury Lawyer of the Year– Michael Alder, AlderLaw, P.C.  

Corporate and Securities Lawyer of the Year– Katherine J. Blair,  Manatt, Phelphs & Phillips, LLP

Next Generation Lawyer of the Year– Teddy M. Kapur,Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP

Labor and Employment Lawyer of the Year– Holly R. Lake, DLA Piper 

Entertainment Lawyer of the Year– Lee S. Brenner, Venable LLP

White Collar Lawyer of the Year– Byron J. McLain, Foley & Lardner LLP

Please watch for updates about the rescheduled Banquet and other events, and remember that you can follow the CCBA on Facebook and LinkedIn. Also, please also let us know if there’s a particular type of virtual event that you feel would be particularly helpful for our legal community.

Finally, we currently have several seats on the Board left to fill. Board service is a wonderful way to connect with other high-quality practitioners and serve the Century City legal community. If you are interested, please contact Lori Werderitch ( or me ( directly.

Stay safe.

Lucas Messenger 
